7 Best Teas for Weight Loss

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7 Best Teas for Weight Loss
Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Tuesday May 21, 2024

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Could a cup of tea help you lose weight? Herbalists believe the answer is yes — and western science backs up their claims. 

What are the best types to try to shed those unwanted pounds? Here are seven of the best teas for weight loss.

A box of iMoZai organic Pu'Erh Tea against a white background.

1. Pu Erh Tea

If you haven’t heard of Pu Erh tea, prepare to elevate your kombucha experience. Unlike the fermented tea drink, the process used to create it ferments the leaves themselves. 

Research indicates that drinking the brew may support weight loss through two separate mechanisms. One is through prompting your body to burn more stored fat instead of synthesizing new ones from glucose. 

Another mechanism that supports a healthy body weight comes from the probiotic content of this brew. It helps to regulate your gut microbiota to aid digestion, leaving you feeling less bloated.

$9.98 from Amazon

A box of Traditional Medicinals Dandelion Green Tea against a white background.

2. Green-Dandelion Tea

Green tea has a small amount of caffeine, which revs up your metabolism, aiding weight loss. If you’re caffeine-sensitive to the point where coffee gives you jitters, this milder brew can help. Green tea also contains antioxidants called catechins, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). 

Dandelion tea can help you lose weight and potentially decrease your blood pressure, thanks to the high potassium content. It acts as a natural diuretic, removing excess water from your body and making you feel less bloated.

$8.97 from Amazon

A box of Choice Organics Herbal Rooibos tea against a white background.

3. Rooibos-Oolong Tea

Rooibos is a caffeine-free tea from South Africa that’s a hot trend at the moment. It’s traditionally used as a remedy to cure infant colic and soothe upset stomachs. The aspalathin it contains may affect the balance of energy and whether your body stores it as fat. 

Oolong tea is also rich in antioxidants like EGCG, speeding up your metabolism. It also contains caffeine to rev your engines even higher. Additionally, the polyphenols reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs, further promoting weight loss.

$12.87 from Amazon

A box of Blue Tea Hibiscus Mint against a white background.

4. Hibiscus-Mint Tea

Hibiscus tea is chock-full of antioxidants to help jumpstart your metabolism and keep everything in your body working the way it should. This beverage might work wonders for those at risk of Type 2 diabetes by helping to regulate blood sugar levels. This mechanism also aids in weight control. One 2013 study on rats showed that 12% of diabetic rats decreased their blood glucose.

You might sip mint tea to soothe an upset stomach. This digestive aid can also accelerate your weight loss efforts by helping food move through your intestines more quickly, easing bloated feelings.

$10 from Amazon

A box of Herbal Cup Ayurveda Ginger, Turmeric, Black Pepper Tea against a white background.

5. Ginger-Turmeric-Black Pepper Tea

Ginger is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances out there. In Ayurvedic medicine, it — along with black and long pepper — serve as the base for many treatments. It soothes your stomach and aids digestion while easing inflammation that can make you look puffy. 

To amplify the anti-inflammatory properties of this tea, add some turmeric and black pepper. Turmeric contains curcumin, one of the most potent pain-relievers in herbal form. The piperine in the black pepper increases the bioavailability of the curcumin by 2,000% so that your body can use it more effectively.

$7.89 from Amazon

A box of Traditional Medicinals Organic Chamomile and Lavender tea against a white background.

6. Chamomile Lavender Tea

Stress can make you gain weight like crazy. The reason lies in cortisol, a pesky stress hormone that picks up where adrenaline stops. Today’s inescapable stressors, like looming debt and overbearing supervisors, trick your body into making more of this substance. Your body thinks it is under a prolonged onslaught and prompts you to eat more foods high in calories, fat and sugar. 

Chamomile and lavender both have mild sedative effects. Combining the two with a bit of warm milk is a sure recipe for relaxation. You can sip this brew before bedtime to calm you or anytime you feel tense.

$4.92 from Amazon

A box of Jade Leaf Matcha tea against a white background.

7. Matcha Tea

Matcha tea can do so much more than help you feel refreshed at a coffee shop. If you drink it regularly, it can also support your weight loss goals. The powdered tea increases weight loss when enjoyed once a day alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise. Add it to a glass of water with ice, hot water and honey or bake it into low-carb snacks for a plant-based boost to your weight loss routine.

$9.95 from Amazon

Bonus: Add Cinnamon or Goji Berries

If you want to add a little extra weight loss kick to any of the above brews, why not add a sprinkle of cinnamon or some goji berries? Both substances may help to control your blood sugar, curbing cravings and helping you manage your appetite.

Try These 7 Best Teas for Weight Loss

If you want to accelerate your weight loss efforts, try one of these seven best teas. The only thing you have to lose are unwanted pounds.

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