8 Foods That Can Trigger Asthma

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Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Monday April 12, 2021

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Did you know that eating certain foods may trigger your asthma? If your body is sensitive to particular food-related allergens, you might suffer an asthma attack as your immune system fights back. It’s smart to take a look at your diet to improve your symptoms.

Take a look at eight foods that can trigger asthma.

1. Shellfish

Foods like shrimp, clams and oysters could trigger your asthma. If you have a shellfish allergy, your asthma could kick in as a result of ingesting items that fall under that category. You can experience other symptoms like hives, too.

This class of food also contains a type of preservative called sulfite when prepared in advance. An exposure to sulfite may cause a reaction in some people. It’s smart to take extra caution to avoid shellfish as a result.

2. Dried Fruits

A few dried mangos or apples can be a yummy snack. Unfortunately, you’ll find they’re not a great option when you have asthma. Like shellfish, it’s common to use sulfite in dried fruit as a preservative.

Try to choose fresh options when possible. You can also buy frozen fruits to use in smoothies and other meals. They’re a less expensive choice that won’t spoil as quickly. You could even dry your own fruit so that you don’t ingest any preservatives.

3. Mushrooms

There’s a chance you may be sensitive to mushrooms. That’s because mushrooms are considered fungi — and as a result, they’re connected to mold and mildew. If you’re especially affected by airborne mold or mildew, you should consider avoiding mushrooms to avoid asthma attacks. That goes for any sauces made with mushrooms, too.

4. Salt

A high-sodium diet may be making your asthma worse. Your asthma causes inflammation that restricts your airways. If you consume too much salt, you’re adding to that issue because salt will only exacerbate inflammation in the body.

Try to avoid overeating fast food, junk food — and processed foods as a whole. Those items contain high sodium contents, so they’re foods that can trigger asthma. It’s also important to reduce sodium as a way to keep your weight down. Obesity can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

5. Dairy

Do you have a physical reaction after consuming dairy? Eating foods like milk, eggs and cheese can be a bad idea when you suffer from asthma. In particular, you’ll note that milk and eggs are the most common food allergens in the U.S. It’s best to avoid them when you suspect they’re bothering you.

Your favorite cheese may be causing your issues. It’s like mushrooms in this sense. The aging process can bring about edible forms of fungus inside certain cheeses. If you consume a lot of aged cheese, you may want to choose fresh alternatives.

6. Gluten

A gluten allergy means you can’t consume wheat-based products. You’re likely sensitive to the albumin and globulin amino acids inside of things like bread and pasta. Those elements can cause inflammation that leads to an asthma attack.

Eliminating gluten-based foods will help you gauge whether they’re the cause of your asthma attacks. Take a week to eliminate all gluten products to see how that affects your asthma. You can also get tested for many allergies at once at your doctor’s office.

7. Soda

There are some foods and drinks that cause your body to produce gas. Those products can put pressure on your diaphragm — and you might have an asthma attack as a result. Try to avoid items like soda that lead to unnecessary indigestion.

Instead, you should aim to increase your water intake. Staying hydrated with uncarbonated beverages will help alleviate symptoms you may experience from your asthma. You can also naturally flavor your water with fresh fruits for that flavoring you may be missing.

8. Coffee and Tea

There’s a chance you may have a salicylate sensitivity. This compound occurs naturally as a derivative of salicylic acid in many foods and drinks, including coffee and tea. You could react to these products due to an overaccumulation of inflammatory mediators called leukotrienes.

You may not immediately recognize that you’re allergic to salicylate. If you’re unable to pinpoint why you have frequent asthma attacks, you should consider bringing this possibility to your doctor’s attention.

Consider These Foods That Can Trigger Asthma

Have you noticed that you’re having more asthma attacks than usual? Keeping a food diary where you track how eliminating certain foods affects your body will help you narrow down what’s wrong. Be sure to consult your doctor about any sudden changes in your asthma.

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