Can Nootropics Really Enhance Your Mind for Better Performance?

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Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Tuesday October 22, 2024

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Nootropics, popularly known as smart drugs, are widely used for their benefits to cognitive performance. Learn what they are, their health merits and the risks associated with taking them without prescriptions.

What Does a Nootropic Do?

Nootropics are chemicals that can improve cognitive performance when taken. Although there’s no solid evidence they work, many have used these agents and revered them as smart drugs. 

One of the best examples of nootropic supplements is caffeine. Drinking coffee can improve alertness and eliminate drowsiness. 

Cornelius E. Giurgea coined the term “nootropic” around 1973 to describe the substances that activate cognitive functions, like a switch turning on memory and learning abilities. 

These compounds have been popular among university students who want to ace their exams, improve their memorization skills and optimize their mental prowess. Since most of these cognitive enhancers are available in supplements, students — or anyone — can easily buy them over the counter without a prescription. Despite the limited proof of their efficacy, people have patronized them for their alleged ability to increase intelligence.

Natural vs. Synthetic Nootropics

A hand with five yellow pills

These smart drugs come in two forms — natural and synthetic.

Generally, natural nootropics are primarily sourced from plants and considered healthier with fewer side effects. The compounds are often extracted from the leaf, flower, root and other plant parts. Since they fall within the category of herbal drugs, they rarely cause toxic reactions, and the possibility of overdose is improbable. 

Meanwhile, synthetic nootropics are formulated in a lab. They surpass natural derivatives in terms of effectiveness with their better concentrations. When taken, , you’ll see and feel the effects more quickly and intensely compared to herbal counterparts. However, lab-made smart drugs also tend to cause addiction as people eventually rely on the pills to boost their cognition. Not to mention, they’re more likely to cause side effects.

Examples of Nootropic Agents

Classic nootropic compounds include:

  • Deanol
  • Meclofenoxate
  • Nicergoline
  • Piracetam
  • Pyritinol

These terms are a mouthful, but you don’t need to remember them. Most of these can be found in foods you might already be consuming. For example, salmon and shellfish have deanol. 

Some plants with nootropic effects are ginseng, ginkgo biloba, Centella and ashwagandha.  

What Are the Benefits of Nootropics?


Evidence of the upsides of nootropics is limited. Recent studies are scant and on a smaller scale. Pooling earlier and recent information, here’s what scientists have found about nootropics.

Enhanced Anticipation Skills and Reaction Times

A recent study examined the effect of a nootropic supplement called Mind Lab Pro on 105 recruited healthy individuals. The group was divided into two — 61 were assigned to the experimental group and 44 to the control group.   

Both groups performed tasks to assess their simple and choice reaction times. The first task involved moving the finger from point A to B when presented with a stimulus — in this case, when a light was illuminated. The second task examined how fast they would react if given choices. In this task, participants were asked to respond to one of eight lights by moving their finger from point A to the illuminated light and pressing a sensor below it. 

Finally, participants were instructed to watch the light as it traveled and hit the target. To measure their anticipation skills, they were required to press a button when the light touched the target.

At the end of the study, the experimental group improved their reaction times and anticipation skills. Taking nootropics significantly enhanced participants’ ability to perform tasks that involved information processing. 

Increased Alertness, Attention and Mood

In an earlier study, scientists evaluated the effects of a vitamin-mineral drug containing deanol on 80 people experiencing mild emotional disturbances. The participants were asked to watch a film that evoked various types of emotion while taking supplements for up to 12 weeks. Based on electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis, researchers found those who took the vitamin-mineral drug with deanol were more alert, attentive and emotionally stable. 

Some people may benefit from taking nootropics. Still, they should be taken with caution. 

How Do Nootropics Work?

A bottle of light grown pill

How do these substances boost brain functions? Scientists lack a clear-cut explanation as to how these smart drugs work, but they believe they can improve blood flow and glucose or energy supply to the brain. Some substances promote brain health, protecting the nervous system from neurotoxins. Meanwhile, others have antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals.

Most nootropics don’t take effect immediately. They’re taken for an extended period to produce results. 

Do Nootropics Actually Work?

Since most nootropics can be obtained as food supplements at a local drug store, they may or may not work, just like how some vitamins are effective for others but not for you. Moreover, they’re not generally recommended unless you have a deficiency. 

While you can buy a bottle of nootropic supplements without any prescription, consult your doctor about it to confirm if you really need them. If you do, ask for potential side effects or adverse reactions if taken with other medications or vitamins. Supplements are generally safe to take individually, but they might trigger unpleasant reactions if combined with other drugs. 

Μore importantly, the safety of these compounds is questionable. They’re used prevalently because the U.S. has a relaxed policy on the circulation of nootropics in the market. The same thing can’t be said with other countries. 

For instance, The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), a part of Australia’s Department of Health, imposed a hefty fine on a man who imported armodafinil — a nootropic that promotes wakefulness and alertness, which can only be obtained on prescription in Australia. The TGA advises against taking nootropic medicine unless a doctor deems it necessary, appropriate and safe for the treatment of a medical condition. 

Do Nootropics Help ADHD?

Prescription nootropics mainly consist of stimulants that also include ADHD drugs to manage the symptoms. Examples are:

  • Modafinil to treat daytime sleepiness
  • Amphetamines to improve alertness 
  • Methylphenidate to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder

Some people with ADHD also use or ingest natural nootropics, such as caffeine, ginkgo biloba and nicotine, to address their attention and focus problems. 

What Are the Risks and Side Effects?

These cognitive enhancers are often very well tolerated. Side effects aren’t common and are rarely serious. Still, even if taking them doesn’t pose any immediate risk, solicit your doctor’s advice for the safest way to approach your brain health needs. 

Alternatively, you can go the natural route. Exercise, getting adequate sleep, improving your diet or trying new things — like learning a language — are all lifestyle solutions to beat brain fog, achieve mental clarity and hone your focus.

Take Nootropics With Your Doctor’s Advice

Each person responds differently to supplements. Yes, nootropics are generally safe but don’t discount the slim chance of a side effect happening when using them for boosting mental performance. If you need something to wake you up, drinking coffee may be a better solution unless you have a condition preventing you from consuming caffeine. Always ask your doctor before taking any medication. 

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