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Tags: workout, stretching, muscle recovery
After a strenuous strength-training session, the last thing you may want to do is spend even more time on your aching muscles. After all, haven’t you been through enough? Not quite. You probably know the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after your strength sessions, but be sure to take time for arm stretches, too. It’s important to soothe your muscles after putting them through the ringer.
You may be itching to throw in the towel after a strenuous workout and hit the shower, but do your aching arms a favor. Add stretch to your strength.
There are two different styles of stretches: dynamic and static. You’ll want to focus on static stretches after your workout. Unlike dynamic, which include active movements to prepare you for your routine — such as a swimmer circling her arms — static stretches are held in place for a period of time without moving.
Static stretching serves several purposes. It loosens and relaxes your muscles after a strenuous session. Relieving tension after your workout feels good and helps prevent soreness. It also makes for a nice reward to look forward to.
There are long-term benefits, too. Regular arm stretches can improve your flexibility and mobility, which is helpful in everyday life, not just in the gym. Functional fitness can make your life so much easier, especially when reaching for top-shelf grocery items. Being limber has many bonuses.
You’ve likely done a variety of strength moves, such as overhead presses, biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, upright rows and pullups. Therefore, you’ll want to target your upper-arm muscles, including the biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis and triceps. It’s also a good idea to include your shoulders and forearms in your post-workout stretching routine. Plus, don’t forget about your lower arms, including your wrists. Remember, your body works as a single unit made up of many moving parts. Think of the big picture.
Spend up to 60 seconds on your stretches at the end of your session to get the most benefit, although you may need to work up to this amount of time.
Here are eight arm stretches to add to your strength-training sessions. They don’t take long but will make a world of difference in your everyday life. As you progress, increase the amount of time you hold each pose to make the most of your stretch routine.
This stretch targets your biceps, as well as your chest and shoulders.
This stretch targets your triceps and shoulders.
This stretch targets your shoulder muscles.
This stretch targets your biceps, as well as your chest and shoulder muscles. It also engages your core.
This stretch targets your wrists, which are easily forgotten in stretches.
This stretch targets the top of your wrist and your forearms.
This stretch targets your biceps, chest and shoulders.
This stretch targets the triceps and lateral muscles, as well as the shoulders.
Strength training will help you develop strong muscles, but that’s only one part of the equation. Ensure your developing muscles are flexible and functional by engaging in arm stretches after your workout routine. That way, you can stay limber and pain-free in everyday life, which is the most ultimate flex of all.
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