Easy Mantra Meditation for Beginners

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Author Name: Beth Rush
Date: Monday February 20, 2023

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It should be of little surprise that speaking niceties to yourself is an excellent mood booster. Likewise, there are far too many scientifically-proven benefits of meditation for you to overlook. So, how does one combine the two and reap the rewards? An easy mantra meditation for beginners might be just what you need to kickstart your practice. 

What Is Mantra Meditation?

A centuries-old spiritual tradition with Hindu and Buddhist roots in India, mantra meditation has gained increasing popularity in Western adaptations of yoga. 

Research shows that mantra meditation — which uses the repetition of words and phrases to create focus, intention and optimism — yields several mental and physical health benefits, such as the following:

  • Stress relief
  • Decreased feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Reduced blood pressure 
  • Boosted immunity

In one study, scientists found that mantra meditation helped participants self-regulate their emotions and was noticeably effective in those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), providing greater relaxation.

Practicing an Easy Mantra Meditation for Beginners: 5 Steps

Building concentration may be the most challenging part of learning to do a mantra meditation. Nevertheless, giving yourself time and patience to embody your chosen saying will make the practice more effortless. Here are five helpful steps for practicing easy mantra meditation for beginners. 

1. Create a Calming Space

Creating a relaxing meditation area with few distractions is essential before beginning your practice. This could be a bedroom, a cozy corner in the living room or home office, in a park, at the beach or anywhere else that calms you. You might even form an altar with candles, incense or healing crystals. 

2. Sit Comfortably

Find a comfortable position to sit in — some meditation practitioners prefer to prop themselves up with pillows, cushions and blankets. Others find that sitting in a chair is better for their body and offers more support on their back. 

If you find it challenging to settle in for your practice, long, deep breaths will initiate your parasympathetic nervous system and allow you to relax. 

3. Choose a Mantra

A mantra can be your favorite word, quote, prayer or something similar — however, since you’ll repeat it several times, it should only be a few syllables long.

Choosing a mantra is profoundly personal and should be something you find inspiring or that touches your heart.

Beginner meditators might consider the following simple mantras for their practice:

  • I am attracting everything I dream of.
  • Recharge and renew.
  • I follow my bliss.
  • I love who I’m becoming.
  • This, too, shall pass.

You can also chant one of the Sanskrit mantras, such as “Om” — which Hindu traditions says is the embodied vibrational sound of the universe or creation — or “So Hum,” translated to “I am.”

4. Recite Your Mantra

Once seated and taking rhythmic breaths, close your eyes and recite your mantra aloud. Repeat the word or saying softly, gently and without force. You can transition to silent repetition if you prefer.

It’s natural for random thoughts to pop into your head occasionally — it’s also typical for your mind to wander. Avoid stopping these occurrences, acknowledging that the thought is there and allowing the mantra to draw your attention back to your heart center.

5. Come Out of Your Meditation

After about 20–30 minutes of repeating your mantra, you can begin to wind down your practice. Continue sitting quietly with your eyes closed and remain present. When you’re ready, open your eyes slowly, take a deep breath and get on with your day.

Thirty minutes could feel like a long time to chant for an easy mantra meditation for beginners. Don’t worry if it’s too challenging initially — even a few minutes of practice will benefit you.

Mantra Meditation Is for Everyone

You don’t have to be an experienced practitioner of mantra meditation to make the practice a part of your daily routine. Mantra meditation is for everyone, regardless of how long you’ve been at it or for how long you sit. Enjoy the benefits of less stress and more optimism when you take the time to chant.

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