All the Reasons Reformer Pilates is the New Fitness Obsession

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woman doing reformer Pilates
Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Friday January 24, 2025

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Reformer Pilates was one of last year’s most popular fitness trends, with influencers and professionals claiming its benefits to overall wellness. This year, it’s not showing signs of slowing down. Know why everyone does (or wants to try out) this ultimate clean girl exercise nowadays.

What Is Reformer Pilates?

woman doing reformer Pilates

Pilates — which came from its founder, Joseph Pilates — introduced exercises that target the core, arms and legs. It consists of repeated movements that can benefit individuals with back issues. This exercise is performed on a reformer, which is particularly helpful for those who want to be precise with their movements, including people recovering from injuries.

A reformer has springs to assist resistance, ropes, a footbar, a sliding carriage and additional accessories like a sitting box, rings and resistance bands. This workout’s beauty is that it can help intensify or ease exercises by increasing resistance or providing additional support.

When you search reformer Pilates online, you may find content featuring individuals who are “in shape.” According to James Shaw, a reformer Pilates instructor, beginners can try it out, as workouts can be adjusted based on your needs, enabling you to be challenged and grow at your own pace.

7 Reasons Why Reformer Pilates Is Trendy Now

Today, reformer Pilates is one of the most sought-after forms of exercise. It offers a full-body workout while being low-impact. Here’s why reformer Pilates is all the rage today.

1. Improves Flexibility

According to one study, reformer Pilates exercises improve the flexibility of individuals who engage in them. Moreover, they help boost your range of motion, ideal for regaining functionality and avoiding muscle stiffness. This is because most activities incorporate dynamic stretching. 

One basic move is the long stretch — moving planking performed by standing on the reformer while holding the footbar and placing feet on the headrest. This stretch helps lengthen hip flexors while supporting the spine, which helps improve posture and flexibility.

2. Builds Strength

Many exercises, like reformer arm extensions, can help improve strength. The resistance involved in the practice promotes controlled and precise movements targeting the abdominals, obliques, core and lower back muscles. Doing this consistently can also help injury prevention or recovery and boost muscle mass.

3. Provides Meditative Benefits

Like yoga, reformer Pilates focuses on controlled breathing to improve balance and strengthen the core. Gemma Folkard, a Pilates instructor, stressed that each movement is controlled by the brain, which emphasizes mindful movement and physical control.

Engaging in reformer Pilates exercises encourages concentration, leading to a better understanding of your body mechanics. The controlled, flowing motions help you develop mental stamina and decrease stress. This mental focus also helps improve your overall well-being, making your session a holistic experience.

4. Its Low-Impact Nature

One of the most appealing aspects of reformer Pilates is it’s a low-impact exercise with high-impact benefits. The controlled exercises lower the risk of stress on joints without compromising the effectiveness of the workouts, making it ideal for individuals recovering from injuries, beginners or anyone who wants to engage in a new workout.

5. Boost Core Strength and Stability

One of reformer pilates’ benefits is its ability to provide core stability and strength. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner, engaging your core, arms, and legs helps improve balance and posture. 

6. Lets You Meet New People

One of the most appealing aspects of joining reformer Pilates is the prospect of meeting new people. It lets you connect with like-minded individuals who work to look and feel their best in a supportive environment. Check out a nearby studio around you because it might be the nurturing community you’ve been waiting for.

7. Famous People Love It

It’s no secret that joining a reformer Pilates class can be expensive. According to ClassPass, the average price of a class is $85 per session, depending on the type of frequency and class. Despite its high cost, many women would love to try it because A-listers do it. Celebrities like Harry Styles, Adele and Meghan Markle are only a few personalities who swear by this workout.

Mat Pilates vs. Reformer Pilates: What Are the Differences?

woman doing Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates is what people will consider the “OG” Pilates. As its name suggests, you only need a mat and a few pieces of equipment depending on your routine, like a ring or ball.

According to Jada-Rae Poku, N.P.C.P., a Pilates instructor, mat Pilates focuses on small, controlled movements and most exercises focus on core strengthening in the front and back. Meanwhile, reformer Pilates is more modern — it still focuses on slow movements but with the help of a reformer machine and is done through dedicated sessions for specific muscle groups.

What Does Reformer Pilates Do to Your Body?

woman stretching on a reformer

If you’re considering joining a reformer Pilates session but wonder if it’s the right workout, you may want to check out what others have to say about their experiences. Here are some comments from the subreddit r/pilates.

User @_EverythingBagles claims that while Pilates didn’t have significant weight loss benefits, it has boosted their confidence.

“Over the first 6 months, I gained strength and thought my body could do much more. This gave me a confidence boost. I started managing my diet, realizing I felt better in class when I didn’t show up with a full belly.”

On the other hand, user @Flimsy-Contract1553 notes that the Pilates studio they’re going to is very inclusive and helps them focus on their own journey.

“One of the things I love about reformer Pilates is that I can’t pay attention to what anyone else is doing. It is just me and my workout. I am too engaged to be able to watch what others are doing.”

For a tall woman like @rococozephyr_, Pilates has improved her posture, strength, and mental wellness.

“Pilates improved my posture and the definition of my chest, shoulders and waist. Strength gain has been better than any other form of weight training. It’s also helped manage my ADHD symptoms and anxiety.”

Try Reformer Pilates

Is reformer Pilates as good as fitness influencers say? The short answer is yes, it provides many benefits that can help you reach your fitness goals, regardless of age. Paired with a balanced diet, it can be a great addition to your lifestyle. Head to the nearest studio and sign up for a group session or a private class — whatever works for you!

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