Restlessness as a Symptom of Severe Anxiety

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severe anxiety symptoms
Author Name: Lucas Cook
Date: Friday November 25, 2022

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Anxiety presents itself in several ways. Severe anxiety symptoms can sometimes include restlessness as worrisome thoughts consume you. It’s important to look at the cause of these feelings to handle your condition better.

What Does Restlessness Entail?

You probably want to move around if you’re feeling restless. It feels like being in a constant state of “can’t sit still.” You’ll get up and down, potentially bouncing your leg against the floor or tapping your fingers. Restlessness might come about due to your routine being disrupted or something else changing in your life. You might feel jumpy and have racing thoughts.

Sometimes, restlessness might be a side effect of a new medication. It might also be a symptom of a mental or physical health issue. Restlessness is one of the most common anxiety symptoms — but just because you’re restless doesn’t mean you have anxiety. You should take note of other severe anxiety symptoms you display so you know whether to look into getting a diagnosis.

3 Severe Anxiety Symptoms You Should Know

Generalized anxiety disorder is a mental health issue that could stem from anything, including future events, past mistakes or current physical appearance. Severe anxiety symptoms don’t always manifest the same way in everyone. You should note them over time and see if they match up with some of the most common indicators.

1. Difficulty Concentrating

If you experience a lot of anxiety, you might find it difficult to concentrate on anything besides the worrying thoughts in your head. Anxiety plagues your brain and keeps bringing you back to certain “what if” scenarios that may not even have a chance of happening in the real world. If your mind often wanders to things that might not have a chance of happening and the thought of them worries you, you may have anxiety.

2. Mood Changes

You might experience a lot of fatigue. You could also feel on edge, as if something bad is about to happen at any moment. Feeling this way constantly can make you irritable and likely snap at others if they start questioning you. Changes in your mood aren’t a surefire sign of anxiety but should be considered when paired with other symptoms.

3. Restlessness

Restlessness is one of the key indicators that a person could have anxiety. Most everyone experiences it, but not necessarily while having other severe symptoms of anxiety. Dig to find the root of your restlessness and try channeling it productively until you can calm yourself down.

How to Deal With Anxiety Effectively

Dealing with anxiety symptoms isn’t fun. You must convince your brain and body that they aren’t experiencing a threat or attack, so it’s OK to calm down. Focus on tangible things to keep yourself rooted in the present during an attack. Try these methods to help lessen some of the symptoms.

1. See a Doctor

You should always see a doctor first if you have concerns. They can help you get a diagnosis and medication that can help lessen some of your severe anxiety symptoms. You can also focus on other ways to take care of yourself. When paired together, you may find that you have little to no anxiety at all.

2. Meditate

Meditation can bring you back to the present and center your mind and body, so it’s an excellent option to deal with the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety. You might find it difficult to sit still if you have severe restlessness, but forcing yourself to meditate for even five minutes a day could be enough to see a difference.

3. Check in With Yourself

You should regularly check in with yourself. It goes beyond jotting down your current mood. You should sit quietly and take an honest inventory of your feelings. You should prioritize taking care of yourself once you notice your mood slipping or anxiety symptoms appearing. You might have to take a break from whatever is giving you the anxiety to give yourself time to recover.

4. Sleep Well

You often hear that adults need around eight hours of sleep, but you may not know how to practice good sleep hygiene. Getting enough shuteye means nothing if you aren’t gaining quality rest. You’ll want to keep your bedroom at a cool temperature and use it only for sleep so you fall asleep faster. Blackout curtains can help prevent city lights from leaking in during the night and disturbing your slumber.

Deal With Severe Anxiety Symptoms as Best You Can

What works for some people may not work for you.  It might take trial and error before you learn which activities can relieve your anxiety symptoms. Dealing with anxiety is never fun, but practice can make it manageable.

Push back against restlessness by taking better care of yourself and potentially seeing a doctor. Your symptoms may fade over time. Remember to take care of yourself daily to keep your severe anxiety symptoms at bay.

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