What Is Sexual Arousal Disorder?

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Is Pain After Losing Your Virginity Normal?
Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Tuesday July 24, 2018

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Many different types of sexual dysfunction lead to issues in the bedroom, and commonly, that’s sexual arousal disorder — which is pretty straightforward in meaning, given the name.

What can you do to solve it? Whether you have difficulties getting aroused or just have no interest in any sexual activity, it’s crucial to reflect on your sexual problems to identify the root cause.

After all, sex is a delicious part of leading a healthy life, and it deepens your relationship with your partner. To enhance your daily sense of well-being, you should treat sexual arousal disorders in the same way that you’d work to improve any medical condition.

Knowing When There’s a Problem with Your Sex Life

Despite the how common sexual arousal disorder is, women rarely address the issue when they experience sexual problems. Whether out of embarrassment or shame, far too many patients grapple with bringing their sexual dysfunction to a doctor’s attention.

There are more important things in life, right? Yeah, and a healthy sex life is one of them!

What is sexual arousal disorder, and how do you know when you have it? For many women, this issue first manifests when discomfort or displeasure occurs during sex.

Both biological and psychological factors contribute to sexual interest problems. From hormonal irregularities to a lack of emotional bonding with your partner, various elements affect your difficulty achieving satisfaction in the bedroom.

Sexual arousal disorder isn’t just one easy-to-diagnose condition. In fact, many types of sexual dysfunction impact your ability to enjoy sex. Not too familiar with these disorders? Here’s a look at three sexual problems typical in women.

1. Female Orgasmic Dysfunction

Just as the name of the condition connotes, female orgasmic dysfunction is characterized by an inability to reach an orgasm during sex. Sex isn’t all about orgasming, but you’re not a sex robot. You deserve to explore ways that sexual dysfunction may be impacting your ability to have satisfactory sex. Although several research studies state that as many as 3 in 4 women find it difficult to orgasm through penetration alone, the mental health exhaustion and confidence issues that come with this sexual disorder are even more profound.

Many different factors can contribute to orgasm difficulty. Considerations to examine include one’s sexual history, feelings towards sex, mental illness appearances and more. Sometimes, simply not knowing how to ask for what you want in bed can lead to orgasm-related issues.

If you’re struggling to get excited — or keep feelings of arousal going — consider reaching out to a doctor to help you get your mind and body in optimal shape.

2. Vaginismus

Imagine getting emotionally prepared for sex and feeling mentally ready to delve in between the sheets. But sometimes, your body just won’t cooperate — you want to have sex, but every act of penetration results in pain or discomfort. What gives?

For women with vaginismus, lower abdominal pain after sex and during intercourse puts a damper on all of their sexually-related plans. During sex, the vaginal muscles spasm and tighten, causing significant discomfort in place of pleasure.

Vaginismus doesn’t just cause discomfort during sex. For women with this disorder, inserting a tampon or visiting a gynecologist for a routine exam can be just as painful.

Although there may not be a definite cause for this issue, causes of vaginismus are frequently linked to anxiety, infections and a lack of vaginal lubrication.

3. Frigidity

Cue the patriarchy! But this one isn’t about misogynists calling women “frigid” if they don’t want to have sex. Unfortunately, this is actually a legit disorder.

While some women want to have sex and simply can’t because of pain or discomfort, frigidity is marked by an adverse reaction to anything sex-related. Derived from the Latin word “cold,” think of frigidity as a state of sexual coldness. Luckily, sometimes all it takes are a few proactive remedies to help thaw out.

Because sex is a healthy part of life, an insufficient sex drive may indicate an underlying emotional or physical issue. Try using natural remedies that enhance your diet while paying close attention to your physical state, too. Get your nature witch on!

Seek Medical Help Whenever Necessary

So now, your primary question of “What the heck is sexual arousal disorder?” has been replaced by “How do I solve these issues?” Having a healthy sex life is not just a big factor for developing a strong romantic relationship, but it can also play a quintessential role in fulfilling your everyday sense of happiness and confidence too.

While sex drive comes easy for some — pun intended — it can be a bit trickier for those with a sexual arousal disorder. If you find that things aren’t entirely how they should be in the bedroom, never feel afraid or embarrassed to schedule a visit with your gynecologist to receive the proper diagnosis.

After all, once you know what’s causing your issues, you’re in a better position to solve them. Then, you can begin to enjoy the sex life you rightfully deserve.

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