What is the Treadmill Strut Workout Trend?

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Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Friday February 3, 2023

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The treadmill has always been a popular form of exercise. Recently videos have been going viral about exercise routines on treadmills. There are many ways you can work out on the treadmill, but these may be a more entertaining alternative to get you motivated. 

You are probably wondering what the treadmill strut is and how to do it so here is the run down to get started.

What Is the Treadmill Strut?

The treadmill strut was originally inspired by a 30-minute playlist of Taylor Swift songs. Each song on the playlist singled a new speed and inclined to walk to. You start at a comfortable warm-up pace and, depending on your training experience, add at least 0.1 miles per hour for each song that comes on. 

The playlist was designed so that each song becomes a bit more upbeat or fast-paced. When you reach the last song, it can transition to one that feels right for a cooldown pace. Just like that, you completed a 30-minute treadmill workout while enjoying songs that get you to push yourself.

Make It Your Own

This exercise routine is great for beginners who need an extra boost of motivation or even more experienced people who what to switch up their routines. The best part about it is you can customize it any way you’d like. If you’re not a fan of Taylor Swift, create your own playlist full of your favorite artists that will keep the workout enjoyable for you. 

If you do not have access to a gym, there are other ways to go about this workout. You can invest in an affordable treadmill for your home or take a walk outside. Walking outside can take some more mindfulness to be sure you are increasing your pace. If that is something easy for you to be aware of, bringing your playlist for an outside walk is a great alternative. 

Benefits Of The Treadmill Strut

Besides being fun, the treadmill strut is an effective exercise as well. It does not have to leave you exhausted and dripping in sweat for it to be a good workout. Walking has incredible benefits for your physical and mental health. Treadmill walking helps improve balance and endurance while strengthening your quads, calves, glutes, and hamstrings. When using a treadmill, you have a safe environment without worrying about weather conditions and can fully control how fast and big of an incline you’re on.

There are many benefits of walking every day in general. A 30-minute walk can provide a healthier, active lifestyle. Some benefits you will get out of this are:

  • Maintain healthy weight 
  • Lose body fat
  • Prevent or manage various conditions 
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Strengthen bones 

Aside from the physical benefits, there are many mental benefits when pairing music with exercise. You are about to improve exercise performance when listening to certain music. Music produces several positive effects on the brain and body. When activating the left and right sides of the brain, it will improve learning and memory, which can improve your life in general. 

Give It A Try

The treadmill strut is an easy and fun workout to get you active every day. For those who are getting into fitness, this will surely get your heart rate up. Create your playlist full of your favorite songs and give it a try. 


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