Do Salt Lamps Melt?

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Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Wednesday May 4, 2022

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Himalayan salt lamps are aesthetically pleasing and find a place in many homes. While many people ponder their benefits and how long they can stay plugged in, more wonder, “Do salt lamps melt?” It’s an interesting question and an important one, given how people don’t want to be replacing their lamps frequently. Still, to know the answer, you have to look deeper into the components of the beloved salt lamp.

What Are Salt Lamps?

Salt lamps are exactly what they sound like: lamps made of salt rock. They’re known to draw moisture to them, but in addition to this moisture, they also draw allergens and dust out of the air. This way, salt lamps can keep you feeling fresh and healthy. 

Do salt lamps melt? Do they overheat? The manufacturer you choose should be able to answer many of those questions for you. Some salt lamps had issues with their electricity a while back, but as long as you ensure that you purchase your light from a reputable seller, you’ll be just fine. Keep on the lookout for moisture on your lamp, though — it could signal something to watch out for.

When Do Salt Lamps Melt, If Ever?

Great news: salt lamps do not melt. You can stop wondering, “Do salt lamps melt?” and instead start to focus on what the moisture is that you see on your lamp. The humidity isn’t something that you should necessarily worry about, just something that you should take care to prevent when you can. If you see beads of sweat on your salt lamp, you don’t have to worry about it melting — but you may have to worry about how it affects your lamp.

Salt lamps might show water beading on their surface. This occurrence happens due to the level of moisture in the air. Your salt lamp will attract moisture and draw it out of the air, but that doesn’t mean that it’s actively melting. Instead, you should look for a way to draw moisture out of the air so it won’t negatively affect your salt lamp.

How to Stop a Salt Lamp from Collecting Moisture

Now that you know the answer to that much-asked question, “Do salt lamps melt?” you’re ready to tackle any issues that are causing an excess of moisture in the air. If you love your salt lamp, you’ll want to protect it. Try these techniques to keep your lamp functioning well for years to come.

1. Keep It Out of Humidity

The average humidity in a home is around 50% in the summertime and half of that in the winter. You’re certain to find at least some moisture on your salt lamp as part of it being in your home. Make sure to place it somewhere it won’t find any extra humidity. Keep it out of areas like bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Having it in your bedroom or office space would be an excellent idea.

2. Leave It On

Salt lamps aren’t like regular lights. You don’t have to worry about them catching fire if left on, so you can use yours as a nightlight. Without turning your salt lamp on, it might corrode things you love, like tables or other furniture around it. The warmth of the lamp can help dry up any moisture on your salt lamp, though you can help keep it dry, too.

If you can, try to avoid using a dimmer switch. Some salt lamps have faulty dimming capabilities, so it’s more of a fire hazard by dimming your salt lamp’s light than leaving it on all day and night. If you ever want to dim your light, go ahead and turn it off all the way just to be safe.

3. Wrap It

If you plan to turn your salt lamp off for any reason, unplug it fully. Then, wrap it up in bubble wrap or some other plastic, airtight container to keep it safe from any moisture. This method is perfect for traveling with your lamp or packing it away while you take a trip on vacation. 

4. Keep It Dry

If your salt lamp ever begins to sweat, you can dry it off. First, turn off the light, then use a dry towel to pat at the wet spots. Ensure you wipe off any fuzz that came from the towel. Blotting it dry is an essential step in caring for your lamp. Don’t let the moisture leak into the electrical parts of your salt lamp. Otherwise, it could be dangerous to handle it. 

Take Care of Your Salt Lamp

Your salt lamp provides you with several benefits, so you should ensure you’re taking care of it correctly. The moisture may cause your light to erode in the future, meaning you’ll get less use out of it than you would if the air was drier. 

Still, when you see moisture on your salt lamp, you should feel at ease and reassured that it’s protecting you. So, do salt lamps melt? No, but the water on their surfaces signifies that they protect their owners and trust them to take care of them, just as the light cares for humans.

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