11 Foods that May Help Make Your Period Come Faster

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A woman with a cup of tea in her hand
Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Thursday January 23, 2025

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Waiting for your period to start can feel frustrating, especially if your cycle is unpredictable or delayed. Whether you have an upcoming special event or want to feel more in control of your body, there are natural ways to make your period come faster. From specific foods to bring on periods early to lifestyle changes to make cramps more bearable, you may be able to regulate your cycle naturally. 

Is It Possible For Food to Bring on Periods?

Menstruation begins after the luteal phase, which is the second half of your menstrual cycle. During this phase, the hormone progesterone peaks to prepare the uterus for a potential pregnancy, but if no fertilization occurs, progesterone levels drop, signaling the shedding of the uterine lining — this is your period. 

Many have been curious about inducing periods, from scientists to nutrition experts to regular people just getting through shark week. In spite of that interest, there is little scientific research on whether food can or cannot induce periods.

Thus, many people tend to look at period triggers as a menstrual myth. However, there is much anecdotal evidence and cultural practices that seem to point to the possibility of inducing your period. This depends on your body, though, so it’s best to take the information with a grain of salt.

Why Try to Bring About Your Period?

For some, it can seem like an odd job to induce your period when it usually entails mood swings and cramps. If anything, people may prefer to delay their menstrual cycle or omit it altogether. But in reality, it can be good to get your period early.

Here are some reasons that may resonate with you:

  • To regulate your period: Some people experience amenorrhea, a condition where you consistently miss your menstrual cycle throughout the year. Other chronic conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis also hinder your reproductive health. Trying period-inducing activities and food may help with those circumstances.
  • To schedule your period pains: Attending an important event that you would prefer Aunt Flo to miss? Hoping to go swimming without the worries of the Red Sea seeping through? Inducing your period may help you get that time of the month over with and go pad-free during that critical week of your life.
  • To free up time to exercise: It’s recommended to exercise during your period week to improve your mood. However, if you prefer to rest when it’s your time of the month, turn to period-inducing food. Plus, you get to gain three to five pounds during your period. You can work and burn through them when you finally get around to working out after.
Sliced papaya and a fork as a food to bring on your period

Food to Bring on Your Period Early

As a prelude, it’s crucial to have a balanced diet. Not getting enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients can delay your period. In the event of missing your menstruation, consult a doctor or dietician regarding the matter.

There are certain food ingredients that people have preached as a period-inducing snack or drink.

1. Papaya

Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin C, the most important carotenoid, with a reputation as a food to bring on your period. While there is no direct evidence, papaya can supposedly help with regulating menstrual flow. Research also points to the fruit’s anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.

2. Citrus

Citrus fruits deserve a mention when it comes to vitamin C. Try to incorporate a few slices of lemon, oranges, and limes into your dishes and drinks. You can also enjoy them as they are or with some salt. Doing so may lead to Aunt Flo coming a few days earlier than usual.

3. Raspberry

Certain berries like raspberry can help with treating PMS cramps and nausea. Some also use it as a uterine tonic to alleviate the pain experienced when in labor. Since it has quite an impact on your reproductive health, this ingredient is suggested to help with triggering your period.

4. Parsley

Parsley is an infamous garnish, but there’s more to this plant than meets the eye. When steeped in a cup of hot water, you can brew a natural remedy tea packed with antioxidants. Parsley tea can be useful for better menstrual flow and hormonal balance.

5. Ginger

Drinking ginger tea is known in alternative medicine for removing throat swells. There is also a possibility that it can help with internal inflammation. Direct consumption of this root can help regulate your uterine muscles and trigger menstruation.

6. Beetroot

A glass of beetroot juice is linked to easing up dysmenorrhea symptoms like painful uterus contractions. They are also high in iron and magnesium, which are essential for improving blood flow in the body.

Sliced beets  to eat to get periods early

7. Pineapple

Pineapple is often associated with sexual health, specifically to detoxify one’s fluids and boost libido. It’s believed to improve blood flow in the body. This all-around fruit also fills up one-third of your recommended vitamin C intake, making it a reasonable contender regarding period-inducing food options.

8. Sesame Seeds

A study finds sesame effective in inducing menstrual bleeding in spite of oligomenorrhea. This is a condition where you only have four to nine periods per year. Plus, if you do get your period, a blend of turmeric, boswellia and sesame can provide pain relief.

9. Spices

Speaking of turmeric, food with a little more heat may be linked to getting your period early. If you have the opportunity, try to use more spices. Paprika seasoning for your meals and dashes of cinnamon on your beverages should work. You can also try incorporating cayenne together with ginger and lemon for the ultimate wellness shot. 

10. Sugarcane

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar advises drinking sugarcane juice a week before menstruation. This is especially the case when they experience spotting. In the same post, she also details that it’s a fertility booster that can help with sperm quality and lactation.

11. Mango 

Mango may seem less popular than citrus fruits and pineapple, but it also provides quite a bit of Vitamin C. Their sweetness also melds well together with chili powder and lime juice. Potentially get your period early and enjoy a sweet and spicy snack in the process.

What Else Can You Do to Make Your Period Come Faster?

While food can play a role in regulating your menstrual cycle, there are other natural remedies you can try to encourage your period to arrive sooner.


Engaging in moderate movement can regulate hormones and reduce stress, both of which may influence your cycle. Gentle exercises like yoga or walking can relax your body, while more intense workouts can increase blood circulation.

Warm Baths or Heat Therapy

Soaking in a warm bath or using a heating pad on your lower abdomen can relax the uterine muscles and increase blood flow, potentially prompting your period to start.

Reduce Stress

High stress levels can delay your period due to the disruption of hormonal balance. Practicing mindfulness, meditating, removing yourself from stressful situations or doing activities you enjoy can help lower cortisol levels and encourage your cycle to normalize. 

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Balanced nutrition, adequate sleep and hydration can all support hormonal health, which may help your period stay on track. 

These methods aren’t guaranteed, but they can complement dietary changes and contribute to a healthier, more regular menstrual cycle. 

A hot water bottle and warm socks to help with period cramps

What Helps With Period Cramps?

Dealing with period cramps can be frustrating, but there are several remedies that may ease the discomfort.

  • Heat therapy: Applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to your lower abdomen can relax the muscles of the uterus and alleviate cramping. Warm baths can also provide relief.  
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Medications like ibuprofen or naproxen are effective for reducing inflammation and easing pain. Always follow the dosage instructions or consult a health care professional.
  • Gentle exercise: Light activities like yoga or walking can increase blood flow and release endorphins, which act as natural pain killers.

There are plenty of yoga workouts online to help with period cramps, allowing you to move your body gentle and trigger endorphin release.


  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can reduce bloating, which may worsen cramps. Herbal teas — especially peppermint or chamomile — can also have soothing effects.
  • Magnesium-rich foods: Incorporating foods like bananas, almonds, spinach or dark chocolate can help relax muscles and reduce cramping.
  • Essential oils: Massaging your abdomen with essential oils like lavender may reduce the intensity of your cramps. Make sure to dilute the oil with a carrier oil before applying it to your skin. 

Reset Your Menstruation

While no method can guarantee instant results, a combination of targeted foods, lifestyle tweaks and self-care practices can support a healthier, more regular menstrual cycle. Your body works on its own timeline, and small changes can make a big difference. If irregular cycles persist, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a professional. 

Originally published March 12, 2024. Updated January 23, 2025.

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