How Long Do Spring Allergies Last Typically?

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Author Name: Mia Barnes
Date: Tuesday April 9, 2019

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While spring is the sign of the winter flu season coming to an end, it also brings its own round of health challenges. One reason people may find themselves struggling through spring is their allergies. As the world begins to bloom, allergens become more widespread, causing the same symptoms as a winter head cold. Allergies make these symptoms last for a much longer time period, which is frustrating for those who fight them daily.

After a while, many people wonder, “How long do spring allergies last?” It may seem like there’s no end in sight, but relief is just on the seasonal horizon. Read on to learn how long spring allergies last and how you can make your spring experience more comfortable. Once you know how to help ease your allergies, you can enjoy spring along with everyone else.

When Allergy Season Starts

People usually start to notice their allergies are becoming stronger when the weather starts to change. Winter recedes and spring steps in, along with all the allergens that come with the season. For those in more southern areas, trees may turn a bright yellow color as pollen dusts everything in sight. That visual cue is a signal that allergies are in full swing, but allergy season actually starts before then.

Make sure you know when your allergies start kicking in. Read about allergy symptoms and monitor your health for reactions like:

  • Watery eyes
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Rashes

What you’re allergic to may change depending on what time of year it is:

  • Tree Pollen: Tree pollen season begins in early March, but can start as early as January. If you live in an area where it gets warmer earlier in the year, your tree pollen season may be longer. Tree pollen is often associated with the yellow plant pollen that gets all over cars and driveways, so watch for yellowing plants to know when your allergy season starts.
  • Grass Pollen: Grass pollen season usually kicks up around May, which collides with when people typically begin mowing lawns. Try mowing the lawn only after heavy rains, so you only have to interact with grass that’s been freshly washed of pollen.
  • Weed Pollen: Weed pollen is another major allergen, which starts spreading in July. Every kind of plant has a different blooming schedule, which is why there are so many different types of pollen seasons. Local weather forecasting makes it easy for people to research what pollen types are active in their area.
  • Ragweed Pollen: Ragweed pollen arrives in August, so it’s the pollen that gives kids runny noses when they wait for the school bus. Think back on all the years you’ve struggled with allergies to find the time of year they flare up, then you can narrow down which allergens you’re allergic to.

How Long Do Spring Allergies Last?

Trying to answer the question, “How long do spring allergies last?” will depend on multiple factors. Where you live will change what plants are thriving around you, which dictates what pollens you’re exposed to.

Check out an allergy season chart to learn when you’ll get a break during this upcoming spring and summer seasons. You can also pay close attention to these dates so you know when you can put the tissues down:

  • Tree Pollen: June
  • Grass Pollen: July
  • Weed Pollen: Mid-November
  • Ragweed Pollen: Mid-November

The key to figuring out your allergies depends on learning about where you live. Do some research on your town to learn what allergens are most common so you can narrow down what may be spiking your allergy symptoms.

Why You May Have Allergies

Unfortunately, there’s no single reason that explains why people develop allergies. It all comes down to the immune system, which is where it gets complicated. Everyone reacts to allergens differently because not all immune systems are the same. Talk with your doctor and undergo allergy tests if you suspect that stronger allergies may be more concerning for your health than the occasional itchy eyes or stuffed nose. They’ll help you form a timeline for how long do spring allergies last, making it specific to what affects you.

What Home Remedies May Help

The first step to alleviating your allergy symptoms is to make sure you have an allergy and not a cold. You can fight off a cold quickly by incorporating more Vitamin C into your diet. Power a powdered supplement into a bottle of water or eat more fruits high in Vitamin C. This will boost your immune system and should make you feel better overnight if you have a cold.

If you still don’t have any symptom changes after trying some Vitamin C, try cleaning your home to cleanse your system. It’s a common saying that a dirty house can lead to sickness, but it can also lead to increased allergen exposure if shoes and jackets get tracked into the house once they’re covered in pollen. Wash your floors, dust where pollen may have settled and give your home a good spring cleaning to make it a safer space for your allergies.

To help yourself in the long term, start a raw food diet. It doesn’t have to be kept up for very long, but it will greatly benefit your allergies if you eat locally grown foods. Raw local foods like honey heal allergies through exposure. Your body slowly gets used to the allergens produced specifically in your hometown, making your seasonal allergies much easier to deal with.

Whatever home remedies you decide to try, you’ll get more benefits from them if you know what you’re allergic to and which allergy season you’re in. The time it takes to research how long spring allergies last in your local area and learn about what’s affecting you will pay off when you notice a difference in your allergy symptoms.

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