How Smiling More Can Boost Happiness

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A woman posing and smiling amid a streetscape backdrop
Author Name: Beth Rush
Date: Tuesday November 26, 2024

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You know that old saying about how happiness is a choice? Perhaps there may be some partial truth behind it, as there are actions you can take to help you feel a little more jolly. Small things like eating your favorite comfort food or laying on fresh sheets immediately bring joy. You’d also be surprised to discover how smiling more can actually boost your happiness.

Two friends smiling

Does Smiling More Make You Happier? 

Emotions are complex and are created in the brain. It’s easy to think that physical reactions like grinning are simply a reaction to positive emotions, like happiness or surprise. However, your smile and your feel-good emotions are actually more dependent on one another. 

Stanford research scientist Nicholas Coles led a study in which participants were asked to activate their smile muscles under various conditions. He theorized that the stretch of a smile can make you feel happy, similar to how furrowing your brows can influence your anger levels.

Other research shows that smiling more can boost your mood by:

  • Reducing stress.
  • Tricking your mind into entering a happy state.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Reducing pain.

While smiling more may not instantly cure a bad day, it can ignite a spark in the right direction. 

Other Benefits of Smiling

Smiling more can offer several benefits beyond boosting happiness levels. For example, it can help improve interpersonal relationships with other people. During one-on-one conversations, people are more likely to share, express warmth and feel rapport with a smiling listener, building positive social interactions.

Smiling can also help with self-image as it naturally projects confidence and positivity. About 85% of people around the world suffer from low self-esteem. A little grin here and there helps you to build a more positive, healthy mindset, while also making you more attractive to people. 

Two women talking and smiling

How to Feel More Confident in Your Smile

Insecurity keeps many people from smiling with confidence. If you experience low self-esteem because of your smile, practice these tips to gradually feel more comfortable sharing your smile with the world.

1. Practice Your Smile

If you look at a picture or in the mirror and think your smile looks a little awkward, don’t worry! These quick practices can help you feel more comfortable:

  • Relax your jaw: A smile involves stretching your mouth muscles upward. However, some people keep too much tension in their jaw during the process. Relax your mouth and try the stretch again. 
  • Check teeth placement: Avoid clashing your upper and lower teeth. Sometimes, it works better to have the upper front teeth parallel with your lower lip instead. This minimizes gum exposure while showing off your pearly whites. 
  • Communicate with your eyes: A genuine smile often involves your eyes as well as your mouth. Embrace the eye crinkles that come with a big beam! 

2. Find a Reason to Smile

Finding a reason to smile can make it feel more authentic, building your confidence. Try one of the tricks below:

  • Think happy thoughts: Joyful memories or fun plans can boost your mood. You could also picture something cute, like a puppy or kitten.
  • Watch something funny: There are plenty of comical things that can bring a smile, from TikToks to rom-coms. Stand-ups are also great material for a giggle.
  • Find a hobby you love: Look for an activity that brings you joy and peace, whether that’s gardening, crocheting or stand-up paddleboarding.

3. Think of Your Favorite Things

To feel more confident about your smile, identify your favorite features. Most people are too caught up in the negatives right away, but there’s something to love about every smile. For example, maybe you enjoy the dimples that pop up when you grin. Or, maybe you love how genuine your smile is, as it showcases your positive attitude and gratitude. 

Two women smiling and chatting in a living room

4. Moisturize Your Lips

Some people feel self-conscious about their smile because it accentuates the cracks on their lips. If so, try to step up your lip care routine. Apply a scrub to help you remove any dead skin on your lips. Top it off with a lip balm to moisturize. If you’re wearing lipstick, ensure it has a softer formula to soothe cracked lips. 

5. Take Care of Your Teeth

One of the best ways to boost your confidence is to care for your teeth. Brush and floss regularly. You can also schedule a dental appointment to see whether an orthodontic treatment, like braces or Invisalign, might be right for you. In case you’re tempted to feel self-conscious, remember that about 30% of orthodontic patients are adults. People of all ages deserve to have proper dental care and a smile they’re proud of.

6. Be Fully Present

Another way to feel more confident in your smile is to shift your focus to the present instead of fixating on this feature. Practicing mindfulness can help you make peace with your body and emotions. Whether you’re surrounded by other people or by yourself, get out of your head and pay attention to your surroundings and experiences. 

Break Into a Smile and Feel Happy

Now that you know how smiling more can make you happier, all that’s left is to break into a grin more often. Once you start looking for reasons to smile, you’ll never run out of them! Follow the tips above to spread a little extra joy today. 

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