How Wearing Glasses Impacts Others’ Perception of You, According to Research

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A man and woman wearing 3D glasses in a movie theater
Author Name: Beth Rush
Date: Friday November 22, 2024

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Your eyeglasses are one of the first things people notice about you. It turns out this eyewear communicates much about your personality when people meet you for the first time. Do people perceive you as smarter if you wear them? What are the possible personalities associated with your type of eyewear? Here’s what science says. 

A man and woman in spectacles reading a book excerpt

Do People Treat You Differently When You Wear Glasses?

A research study revealed that wearing glasses is associated with wealth and intelligence. Eyewear is now a status symbol — wearing it suggests that you can afford preventive eye care. This belief caused an increase in more elaborate eyewear designs to merge fashion and eye health. 

While some think eyeglass wearers are intelligent, not every perception is positive. Males with glasses are often deemed less assertive than those without. This effect can be linked to the previous decades when glasses weren’t as fashionable as they are today. For instance, Adolf Hitler wears a pair but refuses to be photographed in them because of worries about self-perception.

Moreover, a 2022 study involving Jordanian college students of Arabian ethnicity found that people with glasses are linked to negative perceptions of confidence, attractiveness and intelligence. Overall, people may treat you differently when you have glasses, but perceptions may vary.

Effects of Wearing Glasses

Wearing glasses has benefits that extend beyond its aesthetic appeal.

1. Helps Correct Sight

The main goal of wearing glasses is to address vision issues. With the right pair, you can see more clearly. There are four main types of refractive errors that eyeglasses can help:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Issues with focusing up close due to age

2. Expresses Your Style

Glasses are no longer just a tool to enhance your vision. There are now a variety of colors, shapes, lenses and frames to choose from so you can express your unique style. You can even wear one despite having a clear vision for aesthetic purposes. For instance, you may choose a pair with bold frames to sport a nerdy look. Alternatively, transparent eyeglasses will add to your minimalist look.

3. Enhances Facial Features

The right frame can improve your self-confidence and enhance your facial symmetry. The secret is picking glasses that fit your best shape and choosing a color that complements your skin tone. 

A girl with black-rimmed glasses reading a book

What Your Eyeglasses Say About You

Sometimes, people get their first impression of you through eyeglasses. Discover what your pair says about your personality:

1. Colorful Frames

People wearing glasses with colorful frames are often seen as creative individuals. These people are very particular about their interests. It can also mean that they are fun and outgoing.

2. Thick, Black Frames

These glasses are classics that seem never to go out of style. They’re common among young, opinionated people who are willing to make a statement about themselves and are always up to date with the latest trends.

3. Aviators

If you love aviators, you might have an adventurous spirit. You’re not afraid to take risks and live in the moment. This style is common among outspoken individuals who walk the talk.

4. Fake Glasses

Individuals who use fake glasses usually have a purpose — for self-confidence or fashion. Sometimes, they are the ones who think people are smarter if they wear glasses. These people may be self-conscious, which is a normal emotional change that occurs during puberty.

5. Round Frames

This type is for quirky individuals who love vintage style. Also known as Harry Potter frames, you may wear this to look scholarly or hip.

Tips for Choosing the Best Glasses

Glasses are functional tools first before fashionable accessories. Achieve the balance for both with these tips:

1. Identify Your Needs

First, consult an ophthalmologist to determine if you have eye problems that must be addressed. They will recommend the right type of glasses you need. There are two common types, including:

  • Single-vision: Glasses with lenses designed to improve your near or distant vision
  • Multifocal: A pair to correct more than one vision problem

You may also inquire about getting blue-light glasses if you use technology for extended periods to prevent eye strain and headaches.

2. Know Your Face Shape

Make your glasses work to your advantage. Choose a pair that best fits your face shape. Here are the common shapes:

  • Triangle: Narrow jaw and high cheekbones
  • Round: Equal face length and width measurements
  • Square: Forehead, cheekbones and jawline have the same width with pronounced jawline
  • Oval: The forehead and chin are smaller than the cheekbone width
  • Heart: One of the most common signs is a V-shaped hairline

3. Choose What Represents Your Personality

Just because certain spectacles are trending doesn’t mean you must choose it. You have many options — opt for something you’ll want to wear daily. Play around with different styles to see which ones best suit your style.

A girl in spectacles wearing a white t-shirt and smiling

Look and Feel Spec-tacular

While wearing glasses can influence how others see you, remember that your self-perception is far more important. Your confidence and style will shine brighter than any pair of glasses, so choose one that lets your true self shine through.

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